A third of people making more than $100,000 think they're underpaid, according to new research

man rich top hat hand on face sad underwhelmedSteve Bardens/Getty Images

  • A third of people who already earn six figures want bigger paychecks.
  • According to a new survey of 28,000 US workers, 46% of respondents said they were underpaid, including 37% of respondents who earn more than $100,000.
  • When unemployment is low, people can be more confident in their value and feel they can get a higher-paying job if they choose.
  • At the same time, many six-figure earners live in expensive places with higher standards of living, such as people with high-profile tech jobs in San Francisco.

You think it as you drag yourself out of bed every Monday, grumble it under your breath at annoying meetings and message it to coworkers behind your boss's back: "I don't get paid enough for this."

But even if you were, chances are you still wouldn't think your salary was high enough.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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SEE ALSO: A series of studies suggest people who think of themselves as rich could be more likely to steal, cheat, and lie

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