Here is a list of last mile delivery companies and startups fighting to ship items same day for less (AMZN, UPS, FDX, XPO, WMT)

UPS and FedEx have dominated the US logistics industry — in particular, the last mile of delivery, where a courier brings a customer their order. FedEx estimates that more than 95% of all e-commerce orders in the US are delivered by itself, UPS, or the US Postal Service (USPS).

UPS Leads the Pack with the Best TrackingBI Intelligence

But e-commerce sales are on the rise, leading to a surge in package volume — and legacy shippers don't have the capacity or network to quickly deliver parcels. This has opened cracks in the space and presented a significant opportunity for last mile delivery startups to emerge.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:

SEE ALSO: How the rise in e-commerce is presenting opportunities for new entrants to challenge UPS and FedEx in last-mile deliveries

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